Polyols: The P in FODMAPs

    You lost me. Truth be told, microbiology was not my favourite subject in University. But, unlike trigonometry, I actually use this knowledge daily when working with clients. Polyols are sugar alcohols. Which is a bit confusing, because they are neither sugar, nor alcohol. But, they are the breakdown products of sugars, and include: sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and maltitol. We are going to focus on sorbitol and mannitol. I’ve heard of these before? I’m sure of it! You may have heard the term sugar alcohol before this whole FODMAP thing, because sugar alcohols are a low-cal sweetener added to sugar-free products, like: gum, mints, and candies. Even in people without IBS,…


    WTF… What The FODMAPs!?

    My doctor told me to eliminate FODMAPs, now what!? Does this sound familiar? FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo- Di- Mono- saccharides And Polyols… don’t worry, there will NOT be a quiz. Basically, the small breakdown sugars in some foods (FODMAPs) are poorly absorbed, or not absorbed at all. They are: Fructans Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS for short) Fructose Mannitol Sorbitol, and Lactose FODMAPs sit in the large intestine attracting water and literally fermenting in the gut, causing: Diarrhea, constipation, or both Gas & bloating Abdominal pain & distension The 3 Phases of the low-FODMAP diet are: Elimination of all FODMAPs. Staying on a strict low-FODMAP diet for 2-4 weeks allows you and…