Phase 1 Low-FODMAP Elimination

Phase 1: FODMAP Elimination

Ok, so now we know what the 6 FODMAP groups are (hint: fructose, sorbitol, mannitol, fructans, lactose, and GOS), and some low-FODMAP alternatives. Now we are going to make a game plan for executing phase 1 of the low-FODMAP diet.

Talk to me about the phases, how many are there?

Good catch. The low-FODMAP diet has 3 phases:

Phase 1: FODMAP Elimination

  • Takes approximately 2-6 weeks, this is not meant to be long-term
  • Swap high-FODMAP foods and serving sizes for low-FODMAP alternatives
  • If GI symptoms get better while eliminating FODMAPs, we move on to the next phase

Phase 2: FODMAP Reintroduction

  • If symptoms responded well to the first phase, we know that likely one or more of the FODMAP groups were causing your symptoms
  • We continue to eat low-FODMAP while reintroducing FODMAP groups one-by-one, picking a food to eat that represents each group
  • You might find you can tolerate a small, medium, or large amount of the representative food, also known as your symptom threshold

Phase 3: FODMAP Tailoring

  • Once we find out which FODMAP group(s) contain your unique triggers, and how much of each you tolerate, we create a personalized and long-term diet for you
  • It is also recommended that you repeat the reintroduction phase every so often, as your tolerance to FODMAPs can change over time, especially in different life and hormonal stages of your life

How can I plan and prepare for Phase 1?

Let’s do that together. When working with clients, I usually brainstorm a list of their favourite low-FODMAP alternatives from each food group. This ends up being a great grocery list and a good reference to compare to when deciding whether or not your family’s go-to recipes are low-FODMAP or could be adjusted.

If you would like a free printable 1-Week Low-FODMAP Meal Plan, head on down to the bottom of this page and enter your email address, I’ve done all the hard work for you!

The next step is to find recipes that you will enjoy, and plan your meals for the next two weeks. This meal plan can then be repeated twice or three times to complete your initial 2-6 weeks in phase 1. I am always building up the low-FODMAP recipes on the site, but until I have a complete recipe index, see below for some of my favourite evidence-based and trusted recipe sources:

What do I look for on packaged foods?

Any foods you don’t prepare yourself, like processed foods, are definitely the trickiest part of eliminating FODMAPs because it is hard to know what is in them. See below for what to look for on the ingredients list for packaged foods and avoid eating these products when possible.


  • Fructose
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
  • Honey
  • Fruit juice
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Agave syrup
  • Fruit sugar
  • Dried fruit


  • Sorbitol
  • Mannitol
  • Xylitol
  • Isomalt
  • Erythritol


  • Garlic, including: garlic salt, garlic powder, dried garlic pieces
  • Onion, including: onion salt, onion powder, dried onion pieces
  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Inulin*
  • Fructan
  • Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
  • Chicory, including: chicory root powder, chicory root extract

Inulin is a prebiotic dietary fibre found in plants. When used in commercial products, it is mainly sourced from chicory root and very high in FODMAPs. Often it is used in processed foods like granola, granola bars, snacks, and desserts to help the ingredients stick together. It is best to avoid packaged foods containing inulin during the elimination and reintroduction phases as there is now low or “green” serve.

Using the Monash FODMAP App

The Monash FODMAP app is a great resource to help you during FODMAP elimination, reintroduction, and beyond. Monash University is the research hub for all things FODMAPs and is consistently testing the FODMAP composition of different foods from around the world. The FODMAP food guide in the app rates foods based on a traffic light system from low or “green” serves and moderate “yellow” serves, to high FODMAP “red” serves, and gives the measurements or weights of each category for every food. This is super helpful in many situations, especially when deciding what to eat in a restaurant or at an event, or planning meals and snacks for the week. The Monash FODMAP recipe index is also available on the app, along with a list of low-FODMAP certified food products and brands.

Stay tuned for some helpful guides on low-FODMAP meal planning, eating out, and grocery shopping, coming soon!

The Food Fix RD
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Your meal plan is on it’s way!

1-Week Low-FODMAP Meal Plan with Recipes and Grocery List!

IBS makes eating confusing and frustrating.

It can seem like the healthier you eat, the worse your gut symptoms get! This can cause you to spend more time in the bathroom, and less time in your life.


Taking control of bloating, gas, diarrhea and/or constipation!

Ditching your fear of eating food!

Saying YES to events (and sticking to it)!

No more sick days!

Freedom from gut issues?

It was possible for me and it’s possible for you, too!

The Food Fix Dietitian can help you navigate the low-FODMAP diet with easy meal plans, so that you can feel better!

Get back to doing the things you love with the people you care about most.

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