WTF… What The FODMAPs!?

    My doctor told me to eliminate FODMAPs, now what!? Does this sound familiar? FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo- Di- Mono- saccharides And Polyols… don’t worry, there will NOT be a quiz. Basically, the small breakdown sugars in some foods (FODMAPs) are poorly absorbed, or not absorbed at all. They are: Fructans Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS for short) Fructose Mannitol Sorbitol, and Lactose FODMAPs sit in the large intestine attracting water and literally fermenting in the gut, causing: Diarrhea, constipation, or both Gas & bloating Abdominal pain & distension The 3 Phases of the low-FODMAP diet are: Elimination of all FODMAPs. Staying on a strict low-FODMAP diet for 2-4 weeks allows you and…