Fructans, not Gluten.

    Ok, just a quick recap. FODMAPs are groups of short-chain sugars and the breakdown products of carbohydrates. They are either poorly absorbed, or not absorbed at all, causing fermentation by gut bacteria and ultimately resulting in gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea or constipation. Today our focus is on fructans, an oligosaccharide. Humans lack the enzymes needed to break down these fructans into individual sugar units, even in a body without Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, due to the hypersensitivity of the gut characterized by IBS, these symptoms are felt more intensely. What foods have Fructans? Good question. Fructans can be found mainly in breads, cereals, and starches, and to a…


    WTF… What The FODMAPs!?

    My doctor told me to eliminate FODMAPs, now what!? Does this sound familiar? FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo- Di- Mono- saccharides And Polyols… don’t worry, there will NOT be a quiz. Basically, the small breakdown sugars in some foods (FODMAPs) are poorly absorbed, or not absorbed at all. They are: Fructans Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS for short) Fructose Mannitol Sorbitol, and Lactose FODMAPs sit in the large intestine attracting water and literally fermenting in the gut, causing: Diarrhea, constipation, or both Gas & bloating Abdominal pain & distension The 3 Phases of the low-FODMAP diet are: Elimination of all FODMAPs. Staying on a strict low-FODMAP diet for 2-4 weeks allows you and…